various epoxy tumblers with glitter designs

How to Epoxy a Tumbler: Tips and Tricks

various epoxy tumblers with glitter designs

Crafting an epoxy tumbler takes precision and creativity, and when the technique is performed correctly, it results in a stunning piece of functional art. But if you let your creative side loose without a plan, you may wind up with a disaster on your hands.

In this article, we'll guide you through transforming a blank tumbler into a shimmering display of color and shine by breaking it down into manageable steps. You’ll learn how to prep your tumbler, apply glitter and decals, and finish it off with the shine you only get from epoxy.

But we're not just going to show you the steps — we're also going to share insider tips and tricks to help you avoid common mistakes and solve those pesky problems that can trip up even the most seasoned crafters.

By the end of this guide, you'll have a thorough understanding of the epoxy tumbler crafting process and the confidence to create your masterpieces. Let’s dive into the sparkling world of epoxy tumblers!

Step #1: Prepare Your Tumbler for Epoxy

Before you bring out the glitter and epoxy, it's crucial to lay a solid foundation by properly preparing your tumbler. Think of it as setting the stage for a memorable performance — every detail matters, and even the smallest misstep can throw off your entire project.

Select the Right Tumbler for Your Project

The first step in creating a glittery masterpiece is choosing the right canvas for your masterpiece. There are countless tumbler options available, including stainless steel, acrylic, or glass. Each material has unique characteristics, so it's essential to consider the desired end result and usage of your tumbler.

Stainless steel tumblers are a popular choice because the finish is easy to work with, and they offer excellent durability and insulation, keeping your drinks hot or cold for hours. They're also available in various shapes and sizes, providing plenty of options for your creative endeavors.

The Importance of Tumbler Cleaning and Sanding

Once you've selected the perfect tumbler, it's time to give it a thorough cleaning. 

Any traces of dirt, dust, or oils can interfere with glitter and epoxy adhesion, so starting with a squeaky-clean surface is vital. To clean your tumbler, use a gentle dish soap and warm water, then dry it completely with a lint-free cloth. 

Next, it's time to sand your tumbler. This might seem like an unnecessary step, but sanding creates tiny grooves that provide a better grip for the glitter and epoxy, ensuring a smooth and even application. Use fine-grit sandpaper (around 220-grit) and lightly sand the entire surface of the tumbler. 

Then, wipe away any dust with a lint-free cloth. If you’re concerned about dust clinging to the tumbler after sanding, you can also use compressed air to remove any possible contaminants before moving on to the next step.

Tape Off the Parts You Don't Want to Customize

Before you unleash your inner artist, you must protect the areas of your tumbler that you want to keep epoxy-free. This is where painter's tape comes to the rescue! 

Painter's tape is purpose-built to create clean, sharp lines and can be easily removed without leaving residue or damaging the surface.

Carefully tape off the areas you want to protect, such as the rim, the base, and any other places you want to keep glitter- and epoxy-free. Make sure the tape is securely adhered to prevent any unwanted seepage during the glitter and epoxy application.

With your tumbler prepped and ready, you've set the stage for a successful epoxy project. Now it's time to bring on the glitter and decals and let your creativity shine!

Step #2: Apply Glitter to Your Tumbler

After your tumbler is prepped and ready, it's time to add some sparkle! 

Applying glitter is like sprinkling a little magic onto your tumbler, transforming it from ordinary to extraordinary. But just like any spell, it needs to be cast correctly for the magic to work. Let's take a look at the right way to add glitter to your project.

Choose the Right Type of Glitter for Your Project

Not all glitters are created equal, and the type you choose can significantly impact the final look of your tumbler. From fine to chunky, holographic to metallic, the world of glitter offers a dazzling array of choices to fit your project’s unique needs.

In the case of fine and chunky glitter, the difference you’ll see is in the texture. Fine glitter gives a smooth, almost velvety appearance, while chunky glitter adds dimension and depth. 

On the other hand, holographic and metallic glitters affect the tone of your colors. Holographic glitter offers a stunning rainbow effect, while metallic glitter provides a sleek, polished look. 

As you get ready to start your project, choose a glitter that complements your design vision, and don't be afraid to mix different types and colors for a unique effect!

Give Your Glitter a Boost: Spray Paint Your Tumbler

You might think that after choosing your glitter, it’s time to start sprinkling away. But to maximize your sparkle, it’s best to color-match your glitter with spray paint!

For instance, if you want to create a pink cup, applying pink glitter to a raw stainless steel background will keep it from shining to its fullest potential. By priming and spray painting your cup before adding glitter, your glitter won’t have to do all the work when it comes to color. The end result is a vibrant tumbler that shimmers in every sun ray.

Apply Glitter Evenly

Applying glitter is an art in itself, and you want even coverage for the best results. To achieve this, you'll need a suitable adhesive, a soft brush, and some favorite tunes to get you in the zone.

Start by applying a thin layer of adhesive like Mod Podge — you can also use a spray adhesive, but they tend to be messier — to your tumbler. Use your brush to spread the glue evenly, ensuring you cover every inch of the surface you want to glitter. Next, sprinkle your glitter over the adhesive, turning the tumbler as you go to ensure an even application. 

Don't rush this step — take your time to achieve a beautiful, even coat of glitter.

Seal the Glitter Before Epoxy

Once your glitter is applied and dried, it's crucial to seal it before using the epoxy. This step is like placing a protective shield over your glitter, ensuring it stays put during epoxy application.

To seal your glitter, apply a clear sealant (you can use Mod Podge again or clear acrylic spray) over the entire glittered surface. Let it dry completely before moving on to the next step. This will create a smooth, sealed surface that's ready for epoxy application.

With your tumbler now glittering and sealed, you're halfway to creating your epoxy tumbler masterpiece. Are you ready for the next step? Let’s add some decals to your project to bring your design to life!

Step #3: Apply Decals to Your Tumbler

Decals are the icing on the cake of your glittery masterpiece, adding personality and flair to your tumbler. It's like accessorizing an outfit — the right decal can make a statement, tell a story, or simply add a touch of whimsy. However, applying decals can be a bit tricky, so let's break it down to ensure your decal application goes smoothly.

Choose the Right Decal for Your Tumbler

Decals come in all shapes, sizes, and designs, and the right one can elevate your tumbler from beautiful to truly one-of-a-kind. 

Think of your decal as the final detail that ties everything together. What do you want it to say? Whether you choose a monogram, a favorite quote, or a fun design, make sure it fits your vision and the size of your tumbler.

How to Apply Decals Smoothly

Applying decals can feel like a high-stakes game of Operation — you want to place your decal perfectly without any bubbles or creases. With a bit of practice and patience, you can master this technique.

Start by peeling off the backing paper and carefully positioning the decal on your tumbler. Once you're happy with the placement, press the decal onto the tumbler, starting from the center and smoothing it out towards the edges to avoid any bubbles. Use a credit card or a decal applicator tool to press down the decal firmly.

Seal Your Decal Before Epoxy

Just like your glitter, your decal also needs a protective shield before the epoxy application. Sealing your decal will prevent it from lifting or bleeding during the epoxy process. 

To seal your decal, you can use the same clear sealant you used for your glitter. Apply a thin, even layer over your decal and let it dry completely before moving on to the epoxy stage.

With your glitter glistening and your decal proudly displayed, your tumbler is starting to take shape. But, we're not done yet. It's time to roll up our sleeves and start mixing that epoxy!

Step #4: Apply Epoxy to Your Tumbler

Applying epoxy to your tumbler is when your project starts to shine! Epoxy provides a smooth, glossy finish that seals and protects your design and gives your tumbler a professional, high-quality look. 

However, working with epoxy can be intimidating, so let's demystify this process and guide you toward a flawless finish.

Select the Right Epoxy for Your Project

When it comes to epoxy, not all types are suitable for crafting tumblers. 

You'll want to opt for a food-safe, high-gloss epoxy specifically designed for tumblers. This type of epoxy ensures a durable finish that can handle daily use, and most importantly, it's safe to use on items that come in contact with food and drink.

Every epoxy is different, so you need to be careful when choosing the epoxy for your next project. Always thoroughly read through the labels before purchasing your epoxy to be sure it’s safe to use.

Mix Your Epoxy

Epoxy is a two-part system consisting of a resin and a hardener. These two components must be mixed together in equal parts to activate the epoxy. It’s important to note that you need to be as close as possible when measuring your ratios. 

Too much hardener will cause the final product to be brittle, and too little will result in extended drying times — or worse, a sticky finish. To mix your epoxy, pour equal amounts of resin and hardener into a mixing cup and stir slowly for a few minutes until the mixture is clear and bubble-free. 

Apply Your Epoxy and Allow It to Cure

The best way to apply the epoxy to your tumbler using a silicone brush, spreading it evenly over the entire surface. Remember, a thin, even coat is better than a thick, uneven one.

As you apply the epoxy, your tumbler needs to spin continuously as it dries to prevent drips and ensure a smooth finish. This is where a cup turner comes in handy. These devices rotate your tumbler at a consistent speed, allowing the epoxy to cure evenly.

Once your tumbler has fully cured (usually within 24 hours), inspect it for any rough spots or imperfections. If necessary, you can lightly sand the surface and apply a second coat of epoxy for a super smooth finish.

Troubleshooting Common Epoxy Tumbler Problems

You might encounter a few challenges as you create your custom epoxy tumblers, but don't worry — these are simply opportunities to learn and grow. Let's discuss some common epoxy tumbler problems and provide solutions for them.

Bubbles in the Epoxy

If you aren’t careful, bubbles can form in your epoxy, interrupting the smooth finish. To avoid bubbles, mix your epoxy slowly and carefully. Rapid stirring can introduce air into the mixture, which leads to bubbles. 

If bubbles appear after applying your epoxy, use a heat gun or a torch to pop them. Remember to move the heat source continuously to avoid damaging the epoxy.

Epoxy Not Curing Properly

Sometimes, your epoxy might not cure correctly, resulting in a sticky or soft finish. This problem is usually due to incorrect mixing ratios or low temperatures. Make sure you're mixing equal parts of resin and hardener and that your workspace is at a suitable temperature — between 70-75°F is ideal.

If this happens to you, you can still save your tumbler. The best thing to do is mix up a new batch of resin with the proper ratio and temperature range. Then apply a thin layer of resin to your project and cross your fingers. The new layer should harden over the softer layer to give you a suitable finish.

Epoxy Drips or Runs

Drips or runs in your epoxy can occur if you apply too much or don't keep your tumbler rotating while the epoxy is curing. To prevent these issues, apply thin, even coats of epoxy and use a cup turner to keep your tumbler moving as the epoxy cures.

You can remove drips or runs in your final product by waiting on the resin to cure, sanding it down until the epoxy layer is smooth again, and giving it one more thin layer of epoxy. Be careful, though! Sanding too deep into the epoxy could damage your glitter coat or decals.

You Can Master the Art of Epoxy Tumblers with HOGG’s Help!

It's important to remember that designing and creating epoxy tumblers is about more than producing an end result. It's about developing new skills, facing and overcoming challenges, and finding personal satisfaction and enjoyment in the process.

Everyone has a unique process when it comes to creating epoxied tumblers that sparkle like a sea of diamonds, so take all the advice we’ve given you in this article as guidelines more than hard and fast rules. If you encounter difficulties along the way, don't give up and try different methods until you find the right fit for you!

At HOGG Outfitters, we're committed to supporting your crafting endeavors by offering the highest quality blank tumblers and accessories and fostering a positive crafting community in our private Facebook Group

We also want to see your finished epoxy tumblers! Share your masterpieces in the comments section below!


A special Thank You to our community for contributing the incredible designs in this article!

  • Amanda White
  • Danielle Marie Hart
  • Dyllan Fortner
  • Kimberly Snow Parker
  • Melissa Lucas Belcher
  • Vimarie Lind-Vega
  • Jennifer's Craft Creations
  • Mom of Two Heathens Co.
  • Pour Decisions Art
  • Southern Girl Designs
  • marinemom2022
  • mrsadibscraftcorner
  • pipscustomcreations
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